Along The Lines Podcast:

 Downtown Crossing New Haven: Learn more about it’s positive impact on the city.

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Latest News:

 Construction News through Friday, July 26, 2023 

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New Haven’s Downtown Crossing Project

The City of New Haven’s Downtown Crossing Project is an infrastructure project that is transforming the Route 34 corridor in New Haven (commonly referred to as the Oak Street Connector) from expressway into urban boulevards designed for pedestrian and bicycle use, as well as low-speed motor vehicle traffic.
For nearly half a century, the Route 34 expressway served as both a physical and psychological barrier between Downtown New Haven and the Hill neighborhood. The Downtown Crossing Project will replace the expressway with urban boulevards; reconnect Orange Street to South Orange Street and connect Temple Street to Congress Avenue, restoring connectivity between Downtown New Haven, the Hill neighborhood, the Medical District, and Union Station. The Project includes pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure improvements, a public plaza and open space, as well as systems to prevent flooding that serve as beautification measures, and the reclamation of approximately 10 acres of developable land from the former expressway’s right-of-way.
To lessen construction impacts and to maintain safety, transportation, and economic activities while construction is underway, the Downtown Crossing project has been split into four phases: College Street (phase 1), Orange Street (phase 2), and Temple Street bridge preparation (phase 3) and construction of the Temple Street bridge (phase 4).
When completed, the Downtown Crossing Project will make it safer and easier for pedestrians and bicyclists to enjoy our City, provide new opportunities for economic development and restore the urban street environment that was removed decades ago to build the expressway. 

Economic Development

Access to approximately 10 acres of developable land, without displacing existing businesses or residents.  This land was previously unavailable for use or development due to the former Route 34 expressway right-of-way. The land value of the two new development parcels will increase from $0 to approximately $47 per square foot, yielding tax revenues and economic benefits to the City.

Reconnecting New Haven Neighborhoods

Reconnecting New Haven’s neighborhoods and restoration of the urban street grid for pedestrians, bicyclists, and slower-speed motor vehicle traffic.

Placemaking & Beautification

Streetscape and landscape improvements that create a welcoming area for pedestrians and bicyclists, as well as motor vehicles. Place-making features such public spaces and way-finding signage will create a new, welcoming gateway to New Haven.

Resiliency & Flood Control

Bioswales and other stormwater management and resiliency measures will help reduce stormwater run-off and flooding, while also beautifying the area.