In Phase 2, Orange Street will be reconnected to South Orange Street with an at-grade intersection across the Route 34 corridor.
With more miles of bike lanes than any municipality in Connecticut, New Haven’s existing bicycle infrastructure will be strengthened in Phase 2 with the installation of the first protected bike intersection in Connecticut. The protected bike intersection will be designed to provide safe navigation for bicyclists traveling the new Orange Street intersection.
Alongside the bike path, a separate protected path will be installed for pedestrians. An Exclusive Phase Crossing Traffic Signal will provide a separate, individual crossing phases for bicyclists as well as a for pedestrians.
Outside of the protected bicycle-pedestrian intersection, Orange-South Orange Street will have generous sidewalks and bike lanes. There will be two motor vehicle lanes in each direction for a total of four lanes. Motor vehicle lane widths will be narrowed to encourage slower driving speeds. The speed limit will be 25 MPH.
One bioswale will be installed in Phase 2. Bioswales use green infrastructure to clean storm-water and prevent runoff.
At full-build, what is currently a highway-standard condition and an exit ramp, will be fully converted into an urban at-grade intersection with a standard urban street design.
Construction will begin in late spring 2019 and is planned to be completed by the end of 2022.
Left: Orange Street in its present condition, severed by the Rt. 34 corridor. Right: The new Orange Street intersection providing a North-south connection across the Route 34 corridor, connecting City districts and providing direct access to Union Station and the Hill neighborhood.
Phase 2 includes a public art installation on Union Avenue.
Rendering of the new Orange Street intersection.